
香港文善社有限公司成立於 2016 年 3 月,是根據香港稅務條例第 88 條成立的慈善機構。現任主 席是何榮添博士 MH, BBS,會長是張啟明先生。本會的宗旨是推動音樂、藝術及文化的創作、教育及發展, 促進跨領域的交流與合作。通過不同背景及不同地域的音樂、美術、舞蹈等表演方式,擴闊大眾視野, 促進人才培育。本會的服務範圍包括藝術文化研究創作和推廣教育,如公開研究成果,促進學術提升; 協助各類文化愛好者開展與內地、海外等有關社團的交流與合作,提高認識水平及創作能力等。
Hong Kong Society of Arts and Charity was established in March 2016. It is a charitable institution established in Hong Kong in accordance with section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The current Chairman is Dr. HO Wing tim, MH and the President is Mr. Cheung Kai Ming. Our mission is to promote music, art and culture by encouraging creativity, offering education and development opportunities. We aim at broadening the horizon of the general public through performing arts and cultural exchange. Our services include artistic and cultural research, production and education; enhancing related knowledge and promoting exchange among art enthuse- asts; and cooperating with related organizations in Hong Kong, mainland and overseas.